Is this what being a grown-up is?
I'm excited about any and every discount, and try to find things super cheaply.
I sometimes think I can't afford to eat.
I signed a lease for a house.
I'm applying for internship, hoping to make real money.
I'm making decisions about what I think I want to do with the rest of my life.
I'm friends with my mom because I like her as a person, not just as a parent.
I bought new baking ware and wine glasses.
I do my own laundry.
Sometimes I wear lipstick.
I'm more interested in investing in solid wardrobe pieces than trends,
because I know my clothes will still fit next year.
I even got a pseudo adult haircut.
Here is my little brother, also looking grown up-ish.
Remember when we were babies!?
Here's the house! Isn't she cute?! (+Bob, the landlord)